I am so excited to bring you this recipe, this cake is the one I baked for the last workshop I did with Carole poirot. I was really nervous about it as I don’t tend to make cakes in advance, but I baked this one on the Thursday and travelled up to London with it for the workshop on the Saturday, I wrapped each sponge up individually and luckily when I went to frost it on Saturday at the workshop it was still really soft and moist (I hate using that word but I couldn’t think of a better one). the theme of the workshop was late summer vibes so I decided on fig and blackberry and walnut cake with peach tea frosting. I added in some red currents too. luckily everyone at the workshop really enjoyed the cake so I was really happy. I just love the studio we have been using for our workshops, the texture of the wall is so beautiful and I found this old table in the studio, I just loved the colour of it.
- 330g butter
- 330g caster sugar
- 6 eggs
- 330g self raising flour
- 1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
- 2 large figs
- 200g blackberries
- handful of redcurrents (optional)
- 100g walnuts
slice the blackberries and figs into small pieces, and chop up the walnuts, toss the chopped berries and figs in flour and set aside. pre heat the oven to 160c and grease and line 4 tins. cream the butter and sugar together until pale and creamy then add the eggs one at a time, using the whisk attachment mix until thick then fold in the flour and fruit and walnuts. once incorporated spoon the mixture into the cake pans and bake for about 25 to 30 minutes until and knife inserted comes out clean.
let cool then make the frosting
- 400ml double cream
- 300g mascapone
- 125ml peach compote
- 120ml strong brewed earl grey tea
- 150g icing sugar
whip the cream and icing sugar until soft peaks then add the mascarpone and mix, finely add the tea and peach compote and mix, taste and see if more peach is needed. then place one of the cake layers and place on a cake stand and add some frosting then smooth out and add the next layer, once all the layers are added smooth the icing around the sides of the cake. decorate with sliced peaches and figs and red currents and enjoy.
How much is 330g in cups or ounces?
300g is 2 cups
Could you please tell me what size pans you are using?
I think they are 11cm